DIRECTOR: KIMBERLY LEVIN is a filmmaker who originally trained as a biochemist. Her narrative feature debut is Runoff, which Variety called “Riveting…Inexorably powerful.” Runoff was an Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP) Narrative Lab Fellow, an official selection of the European showcase, USinProgress and one of the top scripts in the Nicholl Screenwriting Competition. Levin is also an award-winning playwright and director who has worked On and Off-Broadway. She served as the Associate Director on the Tony Award nominated, Broadway premiere of “Closer.” Levin attended the New York University Graduate Film program and has developed projects with the Weinstein Company, HBO and Johnny Depp’s Infinitum Nihil. Most recently she was selected as one of the inaugural Fox Directors Initiative Fellows. Levin’s original scientific research on small peptide chains was published in a widely used chemistry textbook.